As were were waiting for everyone to get there, we took a few pictures.... as always it starts with one or two people and as the flast goes off, 6 more kids show up to join in. This was just a random shot with a bunch of the grandkids surrounding Grandma.
January 8th - Time for some snow!
I haven't seen this much snow in a LONG time - the kids were going crazy and couldn't wait to get out in it and by kids you know I mean half of the adults as well. This is B- Bug taking a break from climbing that HUGE hill
January 11th - I make my own rules
Ms. E loves her toys, especially the noisy ones. I love watching her because she has to find our own, new way to do things.... it reminds me of how I was as a child.
This is her, climbing INTO (not just ON) her ride along toy.
January 12th - I want to see...
Ms. E had her 15 month check up today and they asked if she was talking.... she jabbers constantly but not too many words. When we got home, I was trying to talk to her and get her to repeat what I was saying but she was much more interested in what was in my mouth then what was coming out of it..... such a curious little girl!
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